Become an Author

Contributing to the SQL Server Community not only helps you grow as an individual, but helps others increase their own skill set, and in-turn allows the SQL Server community grow. Whether you realize it or not, this directly affects you! Companies are not likely to adopt software that has a lack of developers or even a lack of high-end professionals. Together with this community we can help each other.

Promote Yourself

Promoting yourself in the SQL Community gives you recognition as a SQL Server Professional. This can help you grow personally and professionally, but even more important – why not do something you enjoy! Writing articles about the language and engine you love is a rewarding experience.


One thing that’s easily overlooked is the more SQL Server professionals there are, the more likely companies are to adopt SQL Server. We cannot think in terms of competition with each other. Companies will not go with a product unless the product is known to scale. And as fellow professionals know, half of the equation to scaling SQL Server lies in the ability of the professionals who build on it. So by helping to contribute you can also provide yourself with job security.


To help get this community off the ground, we are starting a contest to get the ball rolling. With your expertise, you can win cash! More details can be found on the Article Contest Page.

Your Page, Your Articles, All About YOU

Why write if you need to be hidden in the background? When you write for us, you will have your own page containing your profile that also links to your Google+ page. Visitors can also view all your submitted articles.

Your Face on the SERPs

Before people click on the site, they’ll be able to see who they are visiting. With your profile picture next to your article on the Search Engine Results Pages, people will get to know who you are!

Interested? Register Now!
